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Showing posts from March, 2013

Diabetics; Is it time to look for another Doctor

Hi, In my humble opinion, we can classify diabetics into three categories: Diabetics who do not care at all about their disease and totally forget that they have diabetes, they eat whatever they want, they do not go to Dr, they do not measure their BG regularly or even periodically. Diabetics who blindly obey their Drs . even if their numbers stay on the 400s in moths>>>they just follow Drs. they do not learn, educate themselves, they just put the full respectability on their Drs shoulders and they often ask; why the hell I have these high numbers always? When I will have 6.5 or 6 A1C? Educated and self-caring diabetics; who knew that the disease is a dis-ease for them and a just passing by case for their Dr. - those patients, read, look, ask, measure, inspect, count carbs, eat sensibly, inject insulin professionally, check, compare readings and try hard every possible way to normalize their blood sugar or...

This is the real Blood Sugar target, what is yours?

Hi all, Blood sugar target for diabetics, it is really a controversial issue that a lot of physicians and diabetics experts   have different opinions about it. A lot of diabetics  know that waking up with 120 BS reading is great (if you can do it) and below 180 BS after meals is marvelous and having  A1C = 6.1 or so is great work done (My Endo told me so) Well let's think again and see what is going on around us regarding the blood sugar targets. ADA (American Diabetes association) blood sugar target for adults with type 1 or 2 is 80 - 130 fasting and less than 180 two hours after eating. while ADA recommends that A1C less than 7  is good control. Dr. Richard Bernstein , the famous Diabetics physician and author of the book Diabetes Solution, says that the BS target for adults diabetics should be between around 83 or between 80 to 90 either fasting or after food;  while Dr. Bernstein also recommen...

Can Diabetes really improve your quality of life ?!

It is a tough question, isn't it? There is no doubt that Diabetes is a killer for some people whose mentality telling them that they could be killed by a mosquito. It is how you look at things, you see some diabetics think that their life is over; just knowing that they will start injecting insulin.!! On the contrary, Other diabetics say; thank God that insulin is there for me, they know they are blessed that Dr. Fredrick Banting invented the process of insulin isolation back in 1921-1922 and they know that if it didn't happen, diabetes will be a death sentence as it used to be back there. The reality is that Diabetes for adults is gentle reminder to live healthier lives for optimistic diabetics. At the end; it depends on how you look at things and what is your perception towards what happens to you or around you. If you have diabetes or recently got diagnosed: the key secret here is the strict control of your blood sugar to help prevent ...