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Can Diabetes really improve your quality of life ?!

It is a tough question, isn't it?

There is no doubt that Diabetes is a killer for some people whose mentality telling them that they could be killed by a mosquito.

It is how you look at things, you see some diabetics think that their life is over; just knowing that they will start injecting insulin.!!

On the contrary, Other diabetics say; thank God that insulin is there for me, they know they are blessed that Dr. Fredrick Banting invented the process of insulin isolation back in 1921-1922 and they know that if it didn't happen, diabetes will be a death sentence as it used to be back there.

The reality is that Diabetes for adults is gentle reminder to live healthier lives for optimistic diabetics.

At the end; it depends on how you look at things and what is your perception towards what happens to you or around you.

If you have diabetes or recently got diagnosed: the key secret here is the strict control of your blood sugar to help prevent diabetes complication, as Riva Greenberg said it in her magnificent book 50 Diabetes myths that can ruin your life and the 50 Diabetes truths that can save it.

She also mentioned that best living example for diabetes strict control are Cleveland brothers, who both got type 1 diabetes, Robert at the age of five and Gerald at the age of sixteen. 
Today they are eighty-eight and ninety-two, respectively, and both have had accomplished careers and full family lives. Each has some minor complications—among them mild neuropathy and trigger fingers—and both are still active.
Their Drs said that: what helped these brothers to control their disease are their vigilance, hard work, self-sacrifice, and determination. please read those four factors again and work them out in your life >>>>> vigilance, hard work, self-sacrifice, and determination.

This is what we need to do as diabetics, we need to work hard, be vigilant, sacrifice, be determined and proactive towards our new friend.

This is a lesson for all of us, it is showing us that what matter the most here is how we deal with the disease and how we accept it as a companion will be with us the rest of our life.

Look at below questions' list and ask yourself what things on this list you are doing consistently since diagnosed:

  1. Do you just let go and eat whatever you like and correct with huge doses of insulin and medication?
  2. Dr. told you that you will start with adjusting food and doing exercise...are you really doing this strictly?
  3. Did you become 50 lb heavier since you started using insulin?
  4. Did you learn how to eat?
  5. Did you learn how to count carbohydrate?
  6. Did you start a nice exercise program for 5 to 6 days a week?
  7. Did you learn about your disease?
  8. Is your child type 1 diabetic - are you lacking teaching him the principle of the disease or do you take it easy with him in his eating habits saying that he is still young?
  9. How many books in your home library or in your laptop about diabetes and how many books you read to help yourself and your Dr. to get you on the right path of treatment?
  10. How many times a day you measure and monitor your blood sugar?
  11. Do you know what is the effect of a piece of meat on your BS compared to a slice of white bread or a slice of Pizza.
  12. Do you know what is glycemic index and what is glycemic load.
  13. How many times you logged your measurements' results in a special log book.
  14. Do you argue with your Dr. if you are not convinced with his prescription results that he wrote you.
  15. Do you discuss with your Dr. any new treatment plan; that you might read about in a book or so - a plan that you think it will be beneficial to your case or you just say I will do whatever Dr.say.
  16. What are your blood sugar targets are they 70 to 130 in the morning before breakfast and 180 two hrs after a meal as per the ADA recommendation, or is it 83 morning before breakfast and 83 two hrs after food all day, as per the recommendation of Dr. Richard Bernstein to him self and to his patients.......for your information that Dr. Bernstein had undergone all the possible complications when he was in the age of forty, which he reversed them all by his plan of restricted low carbohydrate (36 gm of carb daily), exercise daily and continuous monitoring his blood and relating it to food consumed until he knew his pattern very well and now as a veteran type 1 diabetic in his late seventies - he is doing just excellent. By the way he considers ADA target recommendation is out of control.
  17. What about following some target in between Dr, Bernstein and most studies now recommend, for adults, to be under 100 before morning breakfast and under 140 two hrs after meal, where are you from those targets and what is yours that you aim for. if you do not have a target then you have a severe problem.
Read all the above questions again and see, currently, how you control your disease, you are the judge; as a matter of fact, Diabetes is a real chance to be more organized person, to respect your body, to eat well, to learn and read.
To exercise regularly and see the unbelievable effect of exercise on your control of diabetes and to better control your life as well.
or otherwise it is an open channel for you to be disappointed, lazy, ignorant about a life long disease that will be with you whether you like it or do not let it eat you alive. it is your Choice >>>

You have the chance, now, if you or one of your loved ones were diagnosed with type 1 or 2 to start help yourself and to take charge of your own life and know, for fact, that no one will care about you more than you care about yourself.

It is a great opportunity to correct your life methodologies, live right, to be proactive, to celebrate your daily multiple victories when you measure a one after another good  Blood sugar reading.

With most of you in insulin therapy - you probably know about MDI  which is multiple daily injection - something like taking rapid acting insulin with every meal and long acting at night time - that is MDI.

I contemplated on another name derived from MDI which is MVR (multiple victory results) - every time you achieve some perfect results when you measure your BS, that is a victory which deserves to be celebrated , mentally at least, and when you achieve some good results that is multiple victory (MVR).

As a matter of fact MVR makes you  happy and if you do not believe me; please compare your feelings when you read  BS of 105 and 340...
Just listening to the number 105 makes happy, isn't it and accordingly listening to 340 makes you ?? what...??? 

Diabetes could be a great step to a better quality of life.
It is a chance to live better not to die early.
You need to grasp the chance and work hard to achieve better results always.
If you do this; then Be happy you are Diabetic.


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