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Showing posts from September, 2015

Hamza and the Mixtard

It was a long overnight trip that I barely slept in it; I was totally consumed in thinking about what will happen in this short business trip and whether it will be fruitful, business wise, or no. I was napping a little, reading a little and get bored a little during the long five hours flight. I arrived to the Airport and finished all arriving visa and luggage chores and as soon as my feet touched the land of the beautiful city of Koshi, India I felt that magical feeling - It was raining like I never seen before in my whole life and I always adore raining, That rain was extremely different, it was strong,   powerful and charming. Kind of rain that makes you feel that it is sweeping and cleaning you from the inside out. I just left my soul to sail with this God beauty especially the pure smell of the rain water when it touched the land. That beautiful pouring rain is free to be used, for irrigation, drinking, washing or whatever – it doesn’t ask for money to...

Why it is impossible to control blood sugar while eating high carbs

As an insulin dependent diabetic who was following the main stream guidelines eating high carbohydrates diet; I found out that it is impossible to control my blood sugar to the required normal bs numbers by eating this way. In fact I repeatedly found that it is way extremely hard to stop the rise in bs after eating fast acting carbs like juices, rice, wheat, pasta, etc.. either it is one, two or three hours after eating. I tried every possible way to get the required control ... ways like mastering MDI, knowing all factors (IC ratio, correction factor, IOB) Mastering glycemic index and load, mastering timing of injections..but it was really impossible. The folwing factors will explain to you why: 1. One gm of carbs raise bs of 80 kgm diabetic around 5 mg/dl and a raises a diabetic kid weighs 25 kg around 12 to 15  mg/dl - considering the 80 kg guy; if he  will follow the guidelines and eat around 240 gms of carbs daily ie 70 gms of carbs a meal with 2 snacks 15 gm each.....