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Running 15 Km while you are Diabetic

Well Well Well..
It was yesterday when I did it - ran for 15 Kms- and I never thought, when I started exercising, that I will reach that limit - Running 15 Kms unstopping, while I am on insulin thereby----Wow!!!

It was a thought that came to me and as Wayne Dyer said that everything starts with a though and it was a dream to stay on my feet for more than 90 mins running  and as Wayne also said in his book you will see it when you believe it; that you are the dreamer of your dreams, so go out and do it.

I started to exercise 2 months ago to help myself with the fight of Diabetes, Actually it was only walking for 5 Km, then 10 Km and then 12 Km; after a while I felt that I could jog, so I followed my feelings and jog, jog and jog until I reach the limit of 15 km running yesterday in 1 hr 44 min and in a great shape.

Running while you are over weight is horrible and unless you like running and exercise and have the right motivations; it will be hard to do it. Adding to that if you are diabetic on insulin therapy; all that make taking the running decision mentally impossible and so heavy.

But on the other hand; Being a diabetic should teach you many good things, for example, in my case, it taught me patience and perseverance and made me improve my methodology in living by encouraging me to adopt good habits and insist on it.

I quit smoking, started exercising, read a lot of diabetes' books, reach out for diabetics and try to tell them what I learn and support them as much as I can.

Every problem comes with a solution within; that you need to tackle it and let it push you up not down.

It is a great to feel that if you just commit to daily work out, your rewards will be a good deal of reduction of your insulin dose, in my case is about 40%, you also gain a lot benefits in both cardiovascular and respiratory systems, you feel fit, you will lose weight, your self esteem will hike up, your rest heart rate will go down to 50 beats or so.
Overall, you will feel relaxed with less tension to carry from or to people around and finally; you will feel that you have an upper hand on your dis-ease.

Walking or running is a great thing that you can do to yourself; especially if you are diabetic but even though if you are not diabetic; go out there, smell the fresh air, shut off your mobile, think clearly, take your wife with you and have a nice and lovely talk while exercising, relax, help your body fights diabetes and let Oxygen goes in deep to far cells in you, watch the beauty of god represented in his creations and savor Life --even if you just like me; injecting insulin....


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