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Do not resist the Good Numbers

Amazing, isn't? it is a true fact that goes with many diabetics.they resist having good BS  numbers by eating food that they could not process (and they knew it every time they eat it) because of some Dr. say that these numbers are just fine. WOW.
They go to endos who put them on the ADA recommendations that leads directly to complications in couple of short years or as Iprefer to name it "the complications' highway of ADA" ; which can be summarized as follows: "Eat High Carbs food and then Accept higher targets of blood sugar and die silently". 

For those poor diabetics; time goes by and 180 mg/dl. after food and A1c of 7  for them become normal blood sugar numbers and well accepted. moreover; it is considered good control as long as their endo said so - based on the recommendations of ADA.! they are on the highway which after a while has no exits!!
Let me ask those guys this:Why don't  you read and learn and be your own Diabetic advocate, it is not hard any more or why don't you ask your Dr. to at least put you on the BS recommendations of American association of endocrinology which recommends BS under 140 two hrs after food, under 6.5 A1c and less than 110 fasting - or even better ask him: "Why don't you advise me or help me normalizing my blood sugar; so I can avoid the horrible blood sugar complications that will be inevitable in my near future if I continue following the (ADA) ".
One thing that you need to know very well and keep on visualizing it as a diabetic ( as long as you keep those high BS numbers); is that there is nothing more dangerous to your health, as a diabetic, like keeping your blood sugar levels elevated.all the time or fluctuating up and down. Elevated BS is doing all kind damages to your body.and organs. Just name it; your bones, skin, heart, arteries, kidneys, nerves, eyes, brain, Digestive system...etc...
All bad processes  inside your body happen because of high blood sugar- processes like Protein Glyation, Oxidation, free radicals formation, Advanced glycated end products formation, Metabolic syndrome, etc..
So your ultimate goal as a Diabetic should be: having normal blood sugar, not good, not OK,  not better, not best but only perfect and normal blood sugar; which as per Dr. Richard Bernstein ; is between 80 to 90..that is it - it is that simple, No brain surgery, no complicated politics - no rocket science, just normal blood sugar and you are just fine.
I will try to make it more simple to you, how to do that?
  1. Just cut carbohydrate, fast acting carbohydrate.
  2. Get off the starches wagon right now.
  3. Eat less than 40 gms of carbs daily from leafy green vegetables
  4. Choose the fruits that is very low in Glycemic index and load like strawberries, lemon, Avocado, Olives 
  5. Eat good fats and moderate protein; 
  6. Do that immediately,and you will see results immediately.

I read something to Dr. Bernestein 3 days ago which amazed me big time and I kindly want you to read that twice to see how they think about you; he said" he asked one of the physicians that followed the ADA about why he approves high level BS for Diabetics and consider it Ok for them to follow" and the answer was: "if a diabetic dies from heart problem, kidney failure or stroke or whatever; that will be considered  a result of diabetes complications but if he dies from hypoglycemia, then I will be sewed for that big time".
You see; Please wake up my fellow diabetic.if you do not care about yourself; no one ever will do.
For me after 11 years experience with Drs. - here is my thumb rule: No Dr. knows how to really manage Diabetes except very very few.
Believe me. they still say things like; wholewheat bread is fine, apple is good, fibers are must, fruit are Ok, fat is a killer, eggs are monsters!!! they still do not recognize who are Dr. Bernstein, Dr. Volek, Gary Taubes, Mariah Emmrich, Dr. Rob Thompson, Dr. David Perlmutter, Dr. William Davis,  Jenny Ruhl...etc... 


Be your own Dr. in Diabetes management please - limit your carb to your blood sugar tolerance level and you will get normal blood sugar right away as a reward of doing that: but remember; Diabetes is crazy.
You go back to high carbs, it will also go back to play devil in your organs.
All the best..


Lisa said…
Thanks for visiting my blOg. Reducing carbs is the most important thing a diabetic can do. But there are still so many delicious thing you can still eat. We have been low carb for 1 1/2 years and will never go back. Lisa
Ahmed Afifi said…
You welcome Lisa, true ..every thing I stopped eat cos of reducing carbs I do it with no carbs using almond flour or coconut flour or whatever.
U got a very nice blogspot by the way

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