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YES – NO - YES – NUMBERS - LET ME TRY (The Logic in Low Carbohydrate Diet)

Living the twenty four hours a day trying to control the monster called Diabetes is something that I am immersed in since I was diagnosed with Diabetes and this continuous monitoring kind of life drove me on a path that had showed me, clearly, how  things related to DB management  are so misunderstood out there by many of fellow Diabetics, their endos or nutritionists.

  There is a great deal of lack in real understanding  of  all the needs and requirements  for achieving normal blood sugar numbers especially in Diet issues.

 In fact, if I am only supposed to control my Diabetes and that is it; it won’t be a problem but the reality is; being an activist in Diabetes management issue through social media websites had put me face to face with numerous cases of severely uncontrolled Diabetes; that always bring tears to my eyes.

I am not that kind of person who settle down by just being sympathetic with people that need help and just wish and wish and keep wishing the good things to happen to them and that’s it. No, I consider myself a proactive person when it comes to real work that need to be done to save other Diabetics from the inevitable fate of non controlled Diabetes.

Being an insulin dependent diabetic and being in the middle of such environment of very low understanding of Diabetes management; especially among Diabetologists and endos had put a moral obligation on me towards myself and other fellow diabetics to push myself always to learn and get educated about how to control my version of diabetes the right way; so I can really help others as much as I can.

One of early books that I had read was for a CDE who is an advocate of eating whatever I want and bolus for it and  of course that needs a lot of skills to be learnt and to do it; one has to master all about insulin skills and its factors like insulin to carbohydrate ratio, insulin on board calculations, correction or sensitivity factors, counting Carbohydrates, adjusting basal insulin dose, being good in guessing of time of digestion of different kind of food, sensitivity to insulin throughout the day and how it differs, what to do when exercise and so on.

It is a big list of skills that I realized I needed to be clever at, which I did master them all, but even though I found it impossible to keep my blood sugar under 100 (normal) with carbohydrate intake more than 10 to 15 gms per meal and that is exactly what Dr. Richard Bernstein said in his great book Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes solution, in which he summarized it in the law of small numbers: 
less carbohydrates eaten; means less insulin injected or secreted; means good control and small errors that can be fixed easily.

It was like found my savior in the middle of the ocean after 10 days lost there and almost drowned - I followed the engineered medical advice of Dr. Bernstein and for my amazement my numbers were normalized almost instantly and my insulin requirement went down by almost 70%. The problem of DB management with me was almost finished and it only needs a daily follow up and perseverance; but what about other poor fellow diabetics that are following the under 180 after food and under 130 fasting of ADA  what about most of them get complications after 5 years or so !!!

The main problem here is when you try to convince other Diabetics with Dr (engineer) Bernstein findings that he tried it on himself personally which saved him from the severe Diabetic complications that he had a lot of them at age 40 (now he is 80) when I try to do that, I always been faced with an unbelievable resistance from diabetics who are in a consistent non control state of Diabetes and that makes no sense at all to me: why some Diabetics dig very deep and look for information wherever it is and try hard to implement those information on themselves to achieve good control of Diabetes; while other Diabetics just ignore all information that supposed to help them and moreover ignore all the high, low and fluctuated BS numbers that they always have; even if this information is transferred to them on a plate of gold, why they ignore their own non controlled version of Diabetes  and argue only about whether Carbohydrate is good or not good for us.

For those guys; I always ask them these clear and shocking four questions and a request which I always get a YES – NO - YES – NUMBERS - LET ME TRY answers as follows:

The first question is:  Sir / Madam in order to summarize your case currently let me ask you this: Are you eating high Carb? Do you get high and low BS numbers (fluctuation) or steady high BS numbers most of the time along with too many lows that right?

The answer is always YES.

The second question is: Do you think your body will benefit from any nutrients of any kind  that you eat if your blood sugar is high?

 The answer is always NO; but my blood sugar is not high; it is normal and the normal BS after food is up to 180 (and 200 is not a big deal either!!) as my Dr. told me.

I then ask the third question : Do you agree that the normal that we need to achieve as diabetics (regardless of any Drs or institution opinions) is the real normal of Non Diabetic  person because that make sense isn’t it?

And the answer is always YES!!

Then the final question is: would you please go ahead and measure five people around you that are non Diabetic, non obese and in good health and get the average?

The answer after couple of days is always between 80 to 100!!

And my final note goes: please achieve those numbers to avoid complications - with whatever you want to eat whether it is high Carb, Low Carb, High fat, Low fat, whatever. but just achieve it.

And the reply is: let me try

Trying to do that with 200 gms of carbs daily is impossible (and I know it) and they start to know it also when they start trying to get their BS below 100. The previous concept of the normal BS being 180 is, now, out of equation for them – so they usually contact me or anyone knows with the following question: what to do? and the simple answer  usually is: Reduce the food that raise your blood sugar until you achieve the number you want (REDUCE THE CARB)..That is it.


It can not be simpler than that – never ever.







Teri Law said…
Fantastic read. Love it!

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