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30 reasons why I love Dr. Richard K. Bernstein

 Why I love Dr. Bernstein: 

  1.      Because he is an Engineer and Engineers think differently – they are precise, accurate, they don't move in circles, they move straight and they do not know the impossible.
  2.      Because he loves to exercise and appreciate it.
  3.      Because he is a very simple and humbl person.
  4.      Because he is very compassionate with patients – he once said that when hearing about young diabetic gets any complications; that, itself, will bring tears to his eyes.
  5.      Because all what he advocates; make sense to me.
  6.      When he discovered that normalizing BS in animals could reverse or stop complications and told that to his Dr. who said that Animals are not humans and it is impossible to normalize human BS – he said the most beautiful saying I ever heard from a Diabetic: Since I had been trained as an Engineer not as a physician, I know nothing of such impossibilities and since I was desperate, I had no choice but to pretend I was an animal >>>OMG>>>great Isn’t?
  7.      Because he is a type 1 Diabetic and that entitled him to feel what other diabetics feel.
  8.      Because he tried all what he preaches; on himself personally.
  9.      Because he had the guts to go to medicine college at his forties.
  10.      Because he changed his own career from an Engineer to a Physician in order to be able to show diabetics what he discovered and save them from dark future.
  11.      Because Science is totally supporting to all what he said and suggested.
  12.      Because he reversed most of the complications that affected him.
  13.      Because he is a live model for real Diabetes control and I mean real Diabetes control .
  14.      Because he never surrenders, back down or give up on what he believes.
  15.      Because most of his patients achieving unbelievable results compared to other diabetics.
  16.      Because I tried everything else and what he advised was the only thing makes a huge difference in my numbers and in my overall control.
  17.      His book – I love his book.
  18.      Because he never underestimates the seriousness of Diabetes
  19.      Because of his law of small numbers
  20.      Because ADA hates him.
  21.      Because he loves his job and enjoy practicing it, I can see that clearly in his voice while he is talking in his monthly talks.
  22.      Because when he does not know he says that he doesn’t know.
  23.      Because he is very much care and sincere about saving Diabetics and spread the word of real diabetes control.
  24.      Because he is excellent in math and not like the majority of  Drs..
  25.      Because he doesn’t prescribe pancreas provoking OHAs like Sulfonylureas.
  26.      Again because ADA hates him!!!
  27.      Because he is a great scientist and a man that make a huge difference in life of many human – he truly served humanity as best as possible.
  28.      Because he is trying and experiment every thing that can lead to better DB control and he is brave enough to advocate opposite to mainstream if he believes that the truth is so - example lantus lasts 24 hrs!! (it doesn't) - Whole grain is good for you (It is not) !!!
  29.      Because his first priority is the wellness of his patients.
  30.      Because of another beautiful saying that he said when he started controlling his numbers; he said: I had the new sensation of being the boss of my own metabolic state, and began to feel the same sense of accomplishment and reward I had in engineering when I solved a difficult problem.
I love you Dr. Bernstein from the bottom of my heart and respect you from ground to Sky - thank you for helping me controlling my aggressive Diabetes.


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