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There will be no cure >>> Soon

In my very humble opinion; I believe that there will be no cure for Diabetes for the next twenty or thirty years (at least). I don't say that out of putting you down or to underestimate the hard work of  scientists who are working day and night on such cure - if any!! NO >>>
I just gonna put in front of your eyes the turnover (sales) of some famous medications in the year 2013 and you can judge it yourself:
Lantus $ 7.6 Billion
Januvia $ 4 Billion
NovoRapid $ 3 Billion
Humalog $ 2.6 Billion
Victoza $ 2.1 Billion
Levemir $ 2 Billion
Janumet $ 1.8 Billion
NovoMix $ 1.7 Billion
Humilin R $ 1.3 Billion
Diabetics are golden mine for those companies - They will not allow any cure to happen in the near or even far future. They do not even allow these sales to go down, how they possibly do that indirectly?
Well.... they fight  hard against the Low carb style everywhere ;because the LC eating style will simply reduce your fast acting insulin to less than half and that is a huge loss for them that they will not allow it to happen and they will fight it through the so called Diabetes associations' guidelines that tells you to eat 240 gms of carbs a day (60 spoons of sugar) and those idiotic guidelines have been followed strictly, unfortunately, by most physicians and endos all over the world and the real victims are you and me .... poor diabetics.
I did not even talk about the Statin that has been given to most of diabetics as a precaution protocol. I did not mention the huge amount of money comes from all complications resulted from poor control of BS like heart, nerves, Kidneys, eyes, feet, etc... which can be stopped and improved by real control of BS which again they not allow to get it, indirectly,
They will guideline you by things like 180 after food is accepted - under 120 fasting Bs is accepted, eat whole wheat, etc...

In fact that leaves us with one clear fact in the dark world of Diabetes and its hazy future; which is: The only way to treat diabetes now is to manage it well, very well until cure is here if any...
Think, it is the only way in our hands as diabetics... real blood sugar control.


Rachel said…
You are absolutely right. They care more about profits than about peoples' health.
Ahmed Afifi said…
Just today I was reading one of the CEOs for a big pharmaceutical saying that they are working for profit not curing diseases

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